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Valuation of movable property

Valuation of movable property

Property valuation is a complex process and it requires consideration of many factors. In case of sale or purchase of an asset, It is important to know their exact market value in order to do business, Also the relevant natural persons such  To be able to insure the risks of error, Which can be very expensive.

It is important to understand that the assessment is carried out for the assessment date and it is not a one-time event. Market conditions as well as other factors change over time. Accordingly, The market value of the property may also change over time. therefore, It is important that the value of the asset is reviewed regularly, to ensure that they are reflected in the appropriate value, and if necessary, their re-evaluation.

"Creston Georgia"-Our experienced appraisers will evaluate any type of movable property, They will consult you and give you comprehensive answers to relevant questions. You can be sure that the assessed value is objective and reflects reality, Because a highly qualified expert in the process-Evaluators will be involved. 

Real Estate Rate

Business valuation

Valuation of intangible assets

Assessment of agro-industrial facilities

Damage assessment



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Purpose and need of real estate appraisal

The purpose of the appraisal of movable property is to determine the object to be appraised(EB)That market value on a particular valuation date. The need to estimate the value of movable property, First of all, Due to changes in market prices over time under the influence of a number of factors: Technical progress, Market conditions, Inflation, etc.. Appraisal of movable property is very important as a physical, Also for legal entities. The need for assessment can arise not only for sale/at the time of purchase, but also financial statement audit, Tax audit, litigation, merger of companies, The time of absorption and many other processes.   

As a result of cooperation with us, the individual and legal entity receives the most accurate and complete assessment report/A report that includes such nuances as there are: 

    • Wear and tear;
    • Effective Lifetime;
    • maintenance and storage costs;
    • with the legal and normative base, Compliance with regulations and rules;
    • visible/invisible injuries;
    • technology

We will appraise any type of movable property, Our assessors have an individual approach to all clients and provide customized services based on their individual requirements and needs..

The object of evaluation can be:

    • Spec-Technic;
    • aggregates/implements;
    • Car-devices;
    • Light vehicles;
    • water transport;
    • Commodity material stocks;
    • Computer and other electrical equipment;
    • Household items;
    • office equipment;
    • etc.

Description of the process

1. with the client Interview

To carry out the assessment, To determine the term and cost of the service, First, the appraiser will obtain relevant information regarding the asset to be appraised. It must be determined what type of asset is to be valued. There are many types of real estate, and for each type there are different factors to consider. The customer should be ready to answer the following questions:

    • What is the purpose and use of assessment??

evaluation Targeting Most important is an aspect, because Relevant Targeting value Relevant base და approach forms. the customer Should explain If for what He needs assessment Services და who will use prepared evaluation to the conclusion. for example, If You you need of the asset Rate Their sale In order, the appraiser in mind Should to accept this on the asset in the market Existing request, of time Section in which Sell Will be implemented და of the asset By in the future of income generating potential. however, If You you need Rate insurance, Tax და .. for purposes, It is possible to be determined different value base და Mentioned influence will have to be assessed of the asset on the value.  

    • Where is the assessable property located??

evaluation object Location it's important, because him influence has assessment Services on the tariff. also, It is possible influence to have to be assessed object on the value too. Mentioned especially it's important Such moving for property, Which location change easily Is possible. of the asset active market Maybe no to exist there where an asset is located, Accordingly, Transportation Cost active to the market It is possible quite high let it be და Aman important influence to have to be assessed of the asset on the value.

    • What type of movable property is it? ? E.g.. Car-machine, Car, Commodity material stock or/etc.

moving Property includes assets wide spectrum, office with inventory და with equipment starting with special purpose Car-with devices finished. of the asset In each type He needs different approach და has own unique characteristics, which Her value definition At the time Is to be considered.

    • Condition of the asset to be valued, Features and technical parameters eg. Brand, model, mileage, Motorcycle watch, power and more.

of the asset sedation და characteristics directly influence makes hers on the value და about that If how much complex will be evaluation process. evaluation object condition, years old და his exploitation Peculiarities Maybe Great influence to make hers on the value. sometimes, asset Maybe no to have market Cost, because Her Sell Maybe no more  let it be possible on it of demand no Of existence due to, ან Her condition so much bad let it be that Only liquidation Cost to be determined, ან just to write down.

2. evaluation object inspection

After receiving all the necessary information on the asset to be valued, It is inspected on site or remotely, video call, using photographic means.

3. of the tariff და deadline determine

Due to the fact that when providing appraisal services, the appraisal of any asset requires an individual approach, There are no pre-established and fixed service rates and work completion period. After interviewing the customer and inspecting the assets, the appraiser determines the cost of the service and the time required to complete the work., within the framework of which relevant assessment services will be provided.

4. evaluation process

The evaluation process is divided into five main stages:

    • Appropriate assessment approach, method, Determination of methodology and criteria;
    • Determination of the relevant active market for the asset, Its research and parameters analysis;
    • Determining the cost base;
    • Calculation of cost by the selected method;
    • evaluation conclusion/Compilation of the report.

5. final stage

After carrying out the assessment, The most important stage is the final stage, which includes:

    • to compare and check the results;
    • evaluation report/Communicating with the customer regarding the results of the conclusion and receiving feedback from him;
    • Account/issuing a conclusion.


Please contact us for more information. A high level of customer satisfaction and service quality is preferred for us. Our assessors will consult you and provide comprehensive answers to any of your questions.

Tel. Number: 574 000 420

Email: l.papiashvili@kreston.ge 

Levan Papiashvili

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